Everything DiSC® Sales Profile


The DiSC Sales Profile is a research-validated online DiSC assessment and sales-specific 22-page report.

Help salespeople learn to communicate better and improve their sales relationships by:

  • Understanding their DiSC sales style
  • Identifying and understanding their customer’s DiSC buying styles
  • Adapting their DiSC sales style to meet their customer’s needs

What you’ll see

The profile report is broken into three sections. The first is Understand Your DiSC® Sales Style, providing insights into your salesperson’s own priorities. Self-knowledge is the first step to building better relationships. Equally important is understanding your partner(s) in a transaction or negotiation. The second part of the profile is Recognize and Understand Customer Buying Styles. Good communication is about give and take. So the final section is how to Adapt Your Sales Style to Your Customer’s Buying Style. It’s not about changing who you are when you’re selling, but about meeting the often unspoken needs of your customer.

What you might miss

This tool uses computerized adaptive testing to improve its results and reliability. This responsive testing technique means greater accuracy and an even more personalized profile.

No certified training consultants are needed. However, many consultants and coaches find DiSC a powerful addition to their training offerings. We offer a training kit if you want it, and the Everything DiSC Sales Facilitation Kit gives you everything you need to facilitate a training session.