Are you ready to take control of your career? Cultivate Your Leader is live learning experience based around principles found in Mr. Ali’s book, “Cultivate Your Leader”. In this program created for high-potential employees ranging from the sales office to the executive-suite, we bring home the point that all employees need realize that they are each responsible for their career successes. We asks participants to explore their values and how they align with their careers and companies,and encourages participants to deliver a problem-solving attitude in their work. A highly interactive session with assessments,videos and exercises.
This program is for high potential employees seeking leadership roles, managers and directors
The training covers the following areas of the book:
1 or 2 day(s) training program
Zain Ali s founder of Azvantage, and and managing partner for Sunbonn, both internationally recognized professional service providers in areas.
arrow_downwardCertified to deliver over 60 Wilson Learning Worldwide programs in leadership effectiveness and sales effectiveness in over 23 countries in audiences